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2/28/00: Youth speaks out on Citrus Yellow

[Note: I'm not encouraging a debate about Honda's color choices for the Insight in this forum, but I've been corresponding with Regina for some time now and it's time her opinion was heard--InsightMan.]

I have to put my two cents in here. George Yeager called my Insight color of choice "electric vomit green"! Now it may not appeal to all of you "middle-aged men interested in the technology", but it is a major selling point for us "twenty-something hipsters interested in the ecological and economic savings." It's a very hot color right now! look at just about any advertisement hanging in a shopping mall and you'll see it. Drive down the street and you're sure to be noticed among the sea of silver, red, and black cars.

[I wrote multiple letters to Honda begging them to bring the black (dark gunmetal gray, actually) Insight into the US, but was unsuccessful--InsightMan, the elder.]

Tennessee does not yet have the Insight (Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida are apparently last on the totem pole) but as soon as they arrive, a Citrus Yellow one will be going home with me. I also think the Citrus Yellow is the one that will be rarer - I intend to keep it as a collectible.

-Regina Rizzi
rrizzi @usit.net
[note: remove anti-spam space before @ to use this address]

[Regina, well stated! I knew Honda made that color for somebody. I'd love to hear the numbers of each color Insight ordered. As I pack my ancient 50-year old bones into my wonderful silver Insight tomorrow, I'll try to imagine being so young that I'd want that color--InsightMan.]