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2/24/00: George Yeager's first Insightful Day in Columbus, Ohio

Last week, after browsing John's pages for the latest news, I discovered in Jim Carter's feedback that there were 3 Insights at Roushonda in Westerville, Ohio (10 minutes from Columbus, where I live). They were sitting there waiting patiently for buyers while I was on my second fruitless order attempt (this time in Cleveland).

My wife and I went to Roush after work on February 22 (Jim was correct!) and reserved a shiny silver car (number 194). The next day, after canceling our Cleveland order (no problem with the Cleveland dealer -- thank you), we reported to do the paperwork and drive our baby home. The dealer had forgotten to tell us that the Columbus Dispatch would be recording the delivery process for an article in next Monday's Accent section. That was OK -- in fact it was fun. The photographer's camera cost more than the car. It could take pictures, edit, and transmit its images by cell phone. I thought about trading the car for it -- for just a moment. The Accent section focuses on life style, by the way, not technology. We'll be juxtapositioned with a Land Rover SUV family. Can't wait! Glad we're not the SUV owners.

My first impressions were really of quality. Great build and gorgeous paint.

I drove the car to work today on 315 south in the rain. The car handled fine on its skinny tires. At 65 I was getting about 75MPG on the bar graph. Lifetime average is now 59.2 (for a little over 40 miles around town). My boss asked for a ride as soon as I arrived, so we went for a spin. He is a sports car type and really enjoyed the experience. I took the afternoon off to do some chores at home (we're painting), and that worked out great. The Dispatch reporter came by to do the interview, and we ended up doing it in the car on a demo trip. The Insight performed superbly, demonstrating its ability to behave like a Civic while achieving excellent fuel consumption. As soon as the reporter left, Tom from next door came over to look at the car. He knew it was coming. Naturally, another demo. I'm back inside now looking at paint chips hoping another neighbor drops by.

That's about it -- until I can think of an errand to run.

HA7150 @columbus.rr.com
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